Thursday, September 10, 2015

Fishing & My Brother

So I spent much of my childhood fishing.

In all honesty most of my happiest memories are when I was fishing. Fishing on my Poppi's property in Illinois. Fishing on my aunt's boat in Washington. Fishing on a rented boat at Lake Pleasant in Arizona. Fishing, swimming, rafting, catching frogs, asking my Poppi or aunts what things were when they cleaned fish...

As soon as I could fly alone (5 yrs) I was on a plane and visiting my family. Illinois and Washington were big parts of my childhood. Most of my memories in Illinois are nothing but fulfilling. I spent my summers with my younger brother, Dustyn, catching and filling jars with fire flies (which we would let go before the night was over), crossing a plank to get to the "island" so we could fish the pond, having watermelon eating races, riding on my Poppi's lawn mower to "help" cut the grass, and checking out their garden to see what fun things they were growing that summer.

Mostly, we only ever caught bluegill in his pond. He taught my brother and I how to handle bluegill so we didn't get spined, how to unhook a fish, which ones were keepers and which ones we should let go. I never wore shoes. Ever. I hated wearing shoes and still do to some extent. I'd run around on his property with my nightshirt tied in a knot at my knees. I'd spend hours down by the water catching frogs or I'd grab my pole and just get to it.

I don't have any photos of myself on hand (I'm sure my mom's got one somewhere that I may go hunt down). But this photo of my brother is what I remember of the pond, the "island" and the shoreline. Looking at his outfit I kind of giggle a little. Today it might not be as obvious but we grew up a little country. We spent a good chunk of our childhood outside on 3.5 acres with horses, pigs, chickens, dogs, cats... at one point we had a cow. We grew up with weekend bonfires, country music, trail rides, rodeos, parades our parents rode in, dust storms that would put today's AZ dust storms to shame, exploring the wash at the end of our dead end street and "picnicking" in the desert. LOL

I haven't been fishing in a loooooong time. Longer than I care to admit. There are days when it's sunny and the weather is just perfect. Those are the days that I'd give just about anything to drop of my kids and everything I should be doing to get myself out on a lake. There are some serious refreshers I'd need to brush up on but I know it wouldn't take much. To sit out on the boat and listen to the water lapping the sides and nobody saying a single freaking word. Silence besides maybe a bird or something. Dragonfly's would land on the end of the pole or on my line and then there'd be a slight tug and a another little tug and then... I'D HOOK THAT SUCKER! :)

Sometimes I really miss the carefree moments of my childhood. Before I grew up and had to be an adult. Sometimes I really miss my brother. My brother was my best friend and my worst enemy. LOL We stood up for each other. Fought each other. Taunted each other and protected each other. I was always bossy and sometimes I still am (oldest of 8 kids - it's in my nature) but there has never a moment that I didn't love him. Even if I didn't always like him. LOL

My relationship with my brother is still there but life has worked its way around. We live in different states and life experiences have changed us both. We don't talk very often or see each other but maybe once or twice a year. I just hope that as time progresses and our children start to grow older we can spend more time together and can teach our children the ins and outs of being a child the way we were children. Our Poppi isn't here anymore and that life will be harder to show them but my aunts and Washington are very much still a part of my life and I hope that in time I'll remember to make time. Make time to show them that tv, video games and tablets aren't all that is fun in the world.

Life becomes so hectic and I think that sometimes we forget that we're suppose to enjoy even the little things. We're supposed to enjoy life outside of the box. :)

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